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HFCS Pops Concert on February 28th

The Music Department will be presenting its annual Pops Concert on Thursday, February 28th at 7PM in the Hoosick Falls Central School Auditorium. There is no charge for admission, and all are invited to attend!

The program will have something for everyone � patriotic tunes, movie soundtracks, Broadway songs, and recent billboard hits. From Disney to Star Wars, from The Beatles to Taylor Swift, from Rocky to The Lord of the Rings�the evening promises to have you humming famous music from the past 50 years.

The performing groups are Mr. Connolly�s Elementary Chorus, Mrs. Yudkoff�s Junior Chorus and Senior Chorus, Mr. Allen�s Concert Band and Symphonic Band, and Mr. Brown�s Jazz Band. Mrs. Yudkoff�s groups are fresh off of a recent high-profile and very successful performance at the Albany Pro Musica High School Choral Festival, and Mr. Brown�s Jazz Band has been performing regularly in many locations around the community. All groups have been working hard on their music, and are ready to present a great concert on Thursday. We hope to see you there!