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Girl Scouts Honor Celebration

On June 12, 2011, many Hoosick Falls Girl Scouts, their families, and their leaders gathered together for their year-end honor celebration and awards ceremony. The ceremony, held at the Hoosac School, began with a procession of scouts lead by the youngest Daisies (kindergarteners) and a presentation of flags by one of the Ambassador troops (a sophomore and four juniors). Following the pledge of allegiance, reciting of the Girl Scout promise and law, and presentation of the Girl Scout colors, the troops settled in with their families to partake in the lovely ceremony.

The first award for a "special friend" of scouting was given to honoree Mother Lorrie Lyons, of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Lyons was recognized by Joyce Brewer, Service Unit Manager, for her support and commitment to local scouts - her determination in helping Girl Scouts extend the open hours and increase visibility of the St. Mark's Thrift Store has been steady and as a result local scouts have a new mission and more people in need of good quality clothing are getting what they need.

Each troop in order of grade level then approached the stage to individually receive certificates and various pins and patches from their leaders for their commitment to Girl Scouts, in addition to being specifically recognized if they were "bridging" to the next level of scouting. Special recognition was also made of the three Ambassador scouts who are graduating from high school and not present because they were on their senior field trip.

After many picture opportunities, two special recognitions took place:

First, Cathy Gee Graney, was awarded the Girl Scouts of USA Outstanding Volunteer and Outstanding Leader awards. These awards are presented to leaders and volunteers who exhibit leadership and service that goes above and beyond what is required. Graney, an eleven-year member of the leader team and three-year membership manager and media liaison, was recognized for her "service, leadership, and dedication to the Girl Scout Movement" in a letter and certificates from Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York. The heartfelt nomination letters from her troop and leader peers were also shared with Graney.

Then, Joyce Brewer was thanked by all in attendance for all she does to keep the spirit of scouting alive in Hoosick Falls! Her commitment to service in our community and making sure Girl Scouts have a hand in helping is unwavering.

After retiring the flags, the group shared a lovely dinner prepared by many of the troop parents and leaders. Special thanks to Rosemarie Rogers for planning the event so superbly and making it special, to all the parents/guardians who support Girl Scouts in so many ways, and to the leaders for their tireless hours of creativity, encouragement, and dedication.

Girl Scouts build confidence and courage through activities, leadership programs, community service, teamwork, travel, and much more in an accepting and nurturing environment. If you know a young girl in grades K-12 this coming fall who would like to be a part of this adventure, please contact or 518-686-4886.

* Photographs courtesy of Cathy Gee Graney.