September has flown by. We hosted a nature walk during “peak mushroom” season, convened our discussion group at the Bennington Museum and retired our Loyalists & the Battle of Bennington lecture on the grounds of the Tory Redoubt itself. WCNY returned to the site for aerial footage to be used in their upcoming documentary (release date TBD). Taking a broader perspective, the Gateway Visitor’s Center in Schuylerville, which is sure to be a boon to many sites including ours, continues to make progress. We wish them luck!
Normally we like to update you on upcoming events in chronological order, but in this case we do not want to “bury the lead.” A month from now, on November 4th at 7:00 PM at the Hoosick Falls Jr./Sr. High School our archaeologists and historians will be presenting some of their findings from last year’s survey. This has been a long time coming, so we are thrilled to make this announcement and hope everyone who has expressed support and curiosity as this project unfolded can attend.
Turning our focus to October, on Tuesday, October 18 from 4:00-5:30 PM there will be a Fall Foliage Hike. Come enjoy the colors of fall on Bennington Battlefield’s Battle Loop Trail. Light refreshments will be available at the conclusion of the hike. Free and open to the public. Hikers will meet at the main hilltop parking area of Bennington Battlefield on Route 67.
On Wednesday, October 19 from 4:00-5:00 PM the Bennington Battlefield Book Discussion Group will convene at Brown’s Walloomsac Taproom in North Hosick. We will be reading pp. 60-104 in Philip Lord's oft requested "War Over Walloomscoick: Land Use and Settlement Pattern on the Bennington Battlefield- 1777." Contact Historic Site Assistant David Pitlyk at 518-860-9094 or by e-mail at for information on how to obtain this publication free of charge online. Free and open to the public, RSVP suggested. Refreshments priced as marked on Brown’s menu.
WCNY crew operate the controls of a drone equpied with an HD camera. (Please note this was done with special permission.) |
The latest book on our list for discussion. Join us at the Walloomsac Taproom to discuss it. |
Our volunteers from last year did great work. The fruits of their labor as well as those of our ABPP consultants will be highlighted Nov. 4th. |
We are pleased to announce that on Thursday, October 20 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM the Friends of Bennington Battlefield will meet. If you have been meaning to link up with the group, now is the time! Join the Friends of Bennington Battlefield for their October meeting to discuss issues relating to both the group and the Battlefield. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP required. Contact Historic Site Assistant David Pitlyk at 518-860-9094 or by e-mail at .
On Friday, October 21 & Monday October 24 from 4:00 PM-6:00 PM we will again offer guided tours of the Battlefield. Tour the main areas of interest in the first engagement of the Battle of Bennington. Some driving & walking is required. The event is free and open to the public. Participants will meet at the main hilltop parking area of Bennington Battlefield on Route 67.
On Saturday, October 29, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM we will host Halloween Pumpkin Decorating. Come enjoy this crafty activity on the grounds of the Caretakers House (30 Caretakers Rd., Hoosick Falls, NY) featuring safe and kid friendly pumpkin painting, a candy corn guessing jar contest, hot cider and wood fire. Suggested donation: $3.00 per participant, RSVP required. Costumes encouraged. Contact Historic Site Assistant David Pitlyk at 518-860-9094 or by e-mail at
Finally, we would like to remind visitors to the site that as we entering a new hunting season, portions of our trails are shared use and are posted as such. If you are hiking, always wear blaze orange. Early bow is already upon us and we will look for regular deer season to begin November 19th. Safety first! |