News Archive
News Archive Directory
Zoning Board
Wilson Hill Solar Permit Materials
00_Cover Letter
01_2023-09-19 Cover Letter
02_2023-09-26 Transmittal
03_Reponse Letter
04_List of Adjacent Landowners
07_2023-10-05 Wilson Hill FEAF
08_Wilson Hill Narrative
09a_Wilson Hill Solar Ag District Map
10_ Road use agreement 11.20.2023
11_Wilson Hill Solar - VIA
11a_Wilson Hill Solar - VIA report
11b_Wilson HIll Solar - Visual Simulations
12_Oneline Diagram
14_solectria_xgi_1500-250- cut sheet
15_Wilson Hill Plan Set
15a_2023-12-04 PLANTING PLAN
16_Wilson Hill Storm Narrative
17_Wilson Hill SWPPP
17a_2023-09-18 Phasing Plan
18_Stormwater Management Agreement
19_Decommissioning Plan - 11.20.2023
20_Ground Option and Lease
21_Wilson Hill - O+M Plan
22_Wiring Analysis Letter
23_Wilson Hill Solar- Lease Amendment Signed
24_2017-5 NC STATE Study Health-and-Safety-Impacts-of-Solar
25_2023-02-20 FAA Notice Criteria Tool
26_NYSERDA Panel Safety Guidance
27_Solar Panel Recycling - 2023 Client Packet
28_2023-11-17 Native Planting Species
29_Appraisal Narrative with study
30_2023-09-14 Draft Boring Data
31_2023-12-11_Wilson Hill Wetland Delin
32_Wilson Hill - CESIR_redacted